Sunday, 13 January 2013

Hello Again :)

It's weird trying to get into the swing of blogging again but I definitely miss it and whilst I still have what feels like an endless abyss of holiday left I am going to make sure I keep in touch with my computer. But not in a creepy way.

I have been about taking photos and things on instagram - changingtimesofsummer if you couldn't guess;

 I was taking my beautiful baby (dog not like, actual baby) for a walk and I could clearly see the weather was getting shit. And then...
Dun, Dun DUUUUUUN....

 Yup it snowed. No white Christmas but it snowed.

So cold I had to let the baby into bed. Mother was not amused. But I have to go back to Uni soon so I might as well make the most the little time I get with her.
 Alost as shocking as the snow is my new hair-do. I wanted to keep it long but to be honest I've been getting bored with it. I can't say for sure I love the fringe yet but I hope I get used to it. In any event my hair grows like the clappers so I'll be gone in about a month anyway :)
 The final photo is just me showing off. This bloody jigsaw took me, my boyfriend and occasionally my mum when she was passing about a week and a half to complete. It was a bloody nightmare, if my grandmother ever gets me a puzzle for christmas again then I may have to go look at the ingredients in 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and give her a fright :D
I hope you are all having a cheery Sunday :) and have a good week m'dears xx


  1. Impressive jigsaw! I love the hair!!! I'm holding a giveaway on my blog, I'd LOVE you to check it out!! :) xoxo

    1. Thank you :) Course I'll check it out xxx

  2. Aw the snow makes for such pretty pics! I think you really suit the fringe :) but I know it always takes getting used to. I'm a Scottish blogger too :) xxx

