Friday, 30 December 2011

Death of the Camera

So I was planning to do a review of some of my Christmas presents after a night out with friends but that is when it happened... The awful deed.

While yes, I accept it's not the best camera, it was a faithful camera. Survived many a night out. It can no longer retract the lens.

A moments silence I think is required for the Nikon Coolpix S220;

I wish her/him/it all the best :'( 

Saturday, 17 December 2011


Exams are oveeeeer! I am so relieved. We'll just wait until resits until we start to panic again and until then I'm just going to laze around, get drunk and get very very fat.

Which brings me onto my friends Christmas dinner which we organised. It was AMAZING. Maybe had a bit too much food but it was ridiculously nice;

I also have nearly sorted out all my Christmas shopping. Better late than never.

Merry Christmas xx

Monday, 5 December 2011

Exams/Revision/Kill me now?


Revision has never been my strong point. Never in school can I remember revising... Bodes badly. I revised last year at uni. Probably. 

Why did I pick Law? Why did no one tell me to pick a different degree?!? In hat making or something...

Revision makes me a stressy person. It makes me panic. 

But I'm sure I'll be fiiiiine. I'll pull through...

(P.S. You may have noticed (you didn't though did you... or you just didn't care...) that I've added a twitter button mabob thing to over on the right >>>>>, hold on though don't get too excited I currently have no tweets and 4 followers so don't go and buy/make me a cake or anything.... maybe a cupcake.) 

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Internal Ugg Debate

As the title suggests I'm having an internal Ugg debate. I have to admit I'm not a massive fan. I think they look a bit like slippers, well a lot like slippers, in fact my slippers are very similar to the sundance 2 uggs.

However, a friend of my mother's is going to Australia and so has offered to get them cheaper. I'm puzzled;

I think with the right outfit they can look nice and I have found a few that look less slipper-ish and more like snow boots meets tribal eskimo;

Think these are nice. As are these;

Of the ones I've seen I think those are my favourite, they look less dome, slipper boot like and more like real shoes. 

I don't know. It's a conundrum. Oh dear, exams are too close. 

If you fancy buying some ridiculously expensive slippers here's the Ugg website. Much love xx

Monday, 28 November 2011

Carmine Vs Glossybox

Firstly I (one again...sigh) apologise for shoddy photos, but what you have to know is that in Scotland once it gets "light" it suddenly decides its had enough of that nonsense and starts to get dark again. But yes, I apologise for bad photo... again.

As we all know there hundreds (well about 8) glossy box type things on the market such as the feel unique beauty box which is I think £9.95, the Carmine beauty box which is £12.75 and the glossy box which is £12.95 a pop.

So price difference isn't huge and I'd imagine the others are fairly similar.

So I think I've been subscribed to Glossybox for about 3 months. I decided to wait till I came to uni so I wouldn't have to change my address (hassle... yes I'm lazy). 

(yes I know it looks orange but trust me it's pink)

I'm have to say the boxes are just as exciting as the stuff inside them, you can totally imagine keeping love letters in them... if your boyfriend was romantic enough to write love letters... 

So in mine I got the 'cooling foot créme'. All I'll say is I hate feet. 
I also received the 'Dead sea spa magik' haven't used it yet as no bath in lovely (crappy) uni accommodation, I shall however use these when I get home. 
The 'Monu skin perfector' well we shall see, I'll keep you posted as to whether I become perfect in the near future. 
Nail wraps... Not so keen. I like painting my nails, I'm obsessed with nail polish but as a nail biter (so sue me) I doubt I've be using these... christmas present anyone?
Lastly (and a very surprising favourite) 'Serge Lutens" perfume. There was a light one and a dark one (kindly given to my boyfriend) but they were both gorgeous yet when I looked online they are soooo expensive its incredibly sad. 

Now as mention in a previous post I recently waxed my legs. This was not nice. BUT the problem with this was I had to let my leg hair grow..... I am NOT a hairy legs person. As a past swimmer I do not condone hairy legs. 

So, one night feeling hairy me and the boyfriend were suppose to watch a film. But when I got out the shower (so badly wanted to shave) it turned out he'd forgotten about some crappy ultimate frisbee pub quiz. Yes ladies I was ditched for frisbee. So as I'm sure you can imagine I was feeling dumped, ugly, and very, very hairy. So I accidentally (on purpose) bought; 


Obviously with Carmine you know what you are getting before it arrives so I kind of already thought about giving some of it away as christmas presents (stop thinking I'm cheap! I'm a student!) 

So there was 'Flashback Night Cream' stocking filler for the mother? Hmmmm. 
"I-pout lipstick' online this looked very red so I thought perfect present for my brothers girlfriend. But no it's a bit more brown in really life. Soooo.... what a pickle.... It's so cool it has a mirror and a light... aweeeeesome!! 
'Dainty Doll' eyeliner pencil. This is most definitely for me. It's green, I'm ginger its a match made in heaven. 
'Neom organics, Real luxury'. Again brothers girlfriend? It smells lovely and looks nice and expensive which is always key. 
Lastly the 'A la Carté brow ink' which is apparently very good as an eyeliner which is good because I need a good brown eyeliner and this is lovely. 

So out of the two this month Carmine is definitely the winner. 

But I literally do not know what to do. Keep them both? EXPENSIVE!!! Or get rid of one... but which? 

HELP!!! Woman in need! 

Love xxx

Domestic Goddess

The life of a student is tough...

On Saturday I made cupcakes with pink icing. On Sunday I made more cupcakes but the inside bit was pink and green. See picture below (which looks very orange but trust me it was pink);

I then made some cookies today.

I made the first batch of cupcakes for a depressed roommate. The second for my boyfriend because apparently I never make him anything (which I don't, and he's forever cooking me dinner... oops) and the cookies because a visitor dropped in and demanded them.

Life's tough being a domestic goddess!

Unfortunately I was also planning to start a diet this week.... Ridiculous amounts of baking does not help dieting. Baking causes eating so much you feel full and then caving into ordering chinese takeaways... Don't even ask.

I do however have exams to study for because I suck at Law. No one, I repeat, no one cares about servitudes, they are just too confusing and boring. The End.

To add to my eternal procrastination Alex Day (Nerimon from youtube) and Jimmy Hill (jimmy0010) have released about 7 new Vaguely Live Radio podcasts that I didn't know about. This does not bode well for my eternal struggle to revise.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Crazy Shopping

I have literally been buying far too much. I think I have an addiction/problem most likely owing to exams approaching and my need to release the tension.

Annoyingly due to the ridiculously crap Scottish weather (being dark for 80% of the day) I have only been able to get one good(ish) photo and that is off this lovely H&M jumper;

I think it was only about £10 and is super cosy. I absolutely love the neckline :) I'm loving being able to justify spending lots of money on warm jumpers because of the freezing weather.

I will try to get some decent photos in the 2 hours of daylight we get of my other things.

I also waxed (veet) my legs for the first time yesterday (DON'T DO IT!!!) okay it wasn't soooo bad but gah. Don't think it's for me. Right I'm off to revise (Watch Julie & Julia). 

Take care x x x

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Unfortunately I was in Hospital last week :(

Hoping I'll get a post out tomorrow possibly with Glossybox reviews :)

x x x

Monday, 14 November 2011

Must be Winter

So my River Island jumper arrived (Still waiting for H&M grrrrr) and I thought I'd share it with the blogosphere.

I also (finally) found the perfect big jumper with the peeeerfect buttons I've been looking for for literally months.

So firstly to the River Island beeeeautiful Cowl neck jumper mabob thing :P....

I think this was a sale item and was £12 and for me the only annoying thing about it is the lack of sleeves. Apart from that I love it, especially the turquoise colour and the neck its just mmm :)

As for the Primark jumper... well its Primark so obviously they only had sizes 16 and 20. No 12s and no 14s useless. But I decided for the perfect buttons and the fact I'd been looking for sooooo(ooooooooo) long I should really just go for it. And I'm very glad I did as it's super cosy.

It is fairly big but I'm never really going to have it buttoned up so... 

As for the buttons... drum roll....

ooft are they not just puurrrrfect?

Ah I Love it. This was also £12 which for primark I thought was a bit above the usual? But then I've not really been in there for a while. 

I also picked up something else I've been looking for...

Nothing too exciting just some £2.50 woolly tight... winter :) 

I had also planned to show you more Kate Moss lipsticks I picked up (I think I have a problem) and some nail varnishes (okaaaaay two problems) but the lighting today is ridiculously bad. Stupid Scotland getting dark at like two in the afternoon. 

oh well :) Take care x x

Thursday, 10 November 2011

The Rifles

Well, if it hadn't been for my boots things arriving I would have posted this on Sunday but I got distracted by pretty things ( such a woman ). 

Anyway so I was seeing the.... 

Seriously give them a listen. They are good!

Managed to get a couple good(ish) photos.

It was at Garage in Glasgow... nice small venue, but I think it was better that way. Just in case they get massive I'll have seen them in a tiny environment :P

(last picture proooomise :P) 

Anyway, I had wanted to put this up but was buuuusy. Go listen to their stuff especially the second album  and more especially the song Local Boy. 

Also expect more picture of Kate Moss lipstick... I accidentally (on purpose) bought two more (whoooops). Talk later. Much love x x x

Monday, 7 November 2011

Mini Boots Haul

Essays result in mad online shopping :| Which I cannot afford trust me. Expect River Island and H&M posts soon.

But onto the Boots stuff that I can't afford but bought anyway. Late nights writing essays do this to me, however, the third one has been handed in it's DONE! Boom!

Firstly, I shall show Rimmel's Kate Moss lipstick I bought the other day. I Love this lipstick! I think it really suits me (pale ginger over here :( difficult colouring) so it's a lovely colour I can wear lightly during the day;

 It really is a lovely colour, its a perfect mix of brown and pink.

(attempted swatch but the camera just growled) 

So onto far more exciting things I decided to buy Soap and Glory's Lid Stuff. I have to say it is a good as they say. 

The colours are; Top left: Vanilla, Top Right: Pink T, Bottom Left: Mudhoney, Bottom Right: Aubersheen. 

They are lovely but I'd have to say the vanilla is difficult to build up you have to take a lot of it to get the colour, but then it is a light colour. They are very smooth, soft and will definitely be easy to blend which is an absolute essential. So for me this is a top product and I'm very pleased I parted with £10 to buy it. 

I also got (recommended by a friend) Models Own lip balm in Blackberry;

 It looks really dark in the pot and this scares the ginger in me but the swatch reassures me that it doesn't come out so highly pigmented.

So that's my mini haul. I did buy a nail varnish but it wasn't very nice :( bad times. 

I also meant for my next post to be about my Rifles gig that I went to on Saturday but I just got too excited by my Boots arrival. Oh well. 

Much Love. x

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Surprising favourites - nail varvish

I find it weird when there's a colour I don't like but then there's something like a ring, item of clothing or nail varnish and its just gorgeous!

Cue Gosh nail "laquer"in (554) Gold.

It is divine and I honestly don't even know why. I rarely wear gold jewellery, don't really like the colour gold (silver is more my colour) but....

It is just beautiful.

(this is the colour is more direct sunlight and the sparkle is a bit more obvious)

So... basically I don't know why I like it... but I love it. 

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Library Post

Have literally been at the library for 8 hours today and am currently writing this shiftily looking around checking that no one is watching me (they'll know I'm not one of them).

I have an addiction... If I'm not on blogs then its youtube or Facebook or stumble upon or or or aaaaah. I might have to start pulling my hair out.

I hate essays! I'm first in line to jump off the roof of the library. I'm dying over here! I'm also desperately itching to grab my nail varnish out my bag and repaint my nails but I have a feeling that won't go down so well... fumigate the library woohoo.

Right... 1,000 down.... 1,000 to go...

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

New Jewellery :)

So, I haven't had new jewellery for ages (none that I've bought myself anyway) and that's mostly because I generally think the money could be better used elsewhere (because it's so often over-priced) or because I never really find anything I like that much.

BUT I've been following DollyBowBow on youtube for a while now (go check her out ) and I finally decided to go to her online shop and splurge a bit on some stuff. So here is what I bought;

This is the 'Faith Bracelet' and was £7. It's a lot more delicate than I thought it was going to be but I still really like it.

 This is the 'Angel Wing Ring' and was £6. I really like this, I think I've probably seen rings similar to this elsewhere but I just liked the texturing, it's kind of between a gold and silver colour.
This is by far my favourite £6 for the 'Double Finger Cross Ring' and its lovely I've only worn it about twice and nearly everyone has commented on it. I absolutely love it. Go buy one. There's loads around. Apologies for the poor picture quality the light in my tiny box (uni room) is shockingly bad.

Go buy stuff.

I also finally got round to buying the Sleek Storm palette but everybody knows what colours are in that by now and also a kate Moss lipstick in number 8.

Anyway that's all for now as I have a 2,000 word essay to write for friday. See ya.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Stressing and Essays

Couldn't be stressing more what with essays and such. I have an essay due in on the 31st thats 3,000 words. Law is not a fun course. Oh well.

Definitely need a night out.

Also it's definitely not been the time to have computer problems, hard drive went (Why does no one tell you they secretly go home and back up all their important stuff?) but I finally got a replacement.

Anyway, this was just a short returning post as it's so late. See ya.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Cat Sitting

I'm currently cat sitting for my brother and his girlfriend. I don't like cats :| I'd try to get a picture of her but she's far too speedy for me. She's also like a ninja cat. One minutes you'll be nearly asleep then the next your creeper senses will be a-tingling... well it's because the cat has crept up on you and is hanging over you. She's soooo annoying.

I've also become some sort of lorry driver come chauffeur for two children. I'm driving them home from a sailing course, but the amount of time I'm in the car. It's a two oppose ends of Edinburgh and I live in the middle :| It's over 50 miles. The poor Bambster she can't cope. Well she can, she's a beast, she just can't go very fast :p

Short post today because I have a mound of dishes to do today.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

So many things been happening, so little time to write about them.

On the 23rd of July I was taken as a late birthday present by a man friend to the Highland Show which was pretty cool.

We had to search for about 15 minutes to find the piglet but eventually we found them and they were so cute so i had to take a picture :) They were adorable but I think the mother of the 11 piglets was probably getting a bit pissed.

I also don't know why but the massive wheel excited me so much. It was huge. I kind of wanted to get inside it but I thought that might be childish (I also didn't know how I was going to get out).

I had my exam on the 27th so I was pushing for that. Bad, bad times.

Was up till after 2am the other night baking for my mother. Custard creams. But they were totally worth because they were gorgeous;

mmmm scrummy :)

Lastly, (wow this is a looong post) I'm now festering in my bed with a god awful hang over with my woofer asleep at the end of my bed;


That's all for now.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


My lunch/dinner that I think was suppose to take something like 15 minutes to make but in reality took about 45 minutes. Oh well, I didn't realise he broccoli had to be put in earlier. I blame the orange and mustard sauce. I was actually really nice :) I'm quite proud of it. I'm proud of myself for touching the chicken breast to be honest, it's my biggest problem in cooking, I hate touching chicken.

I still haven't quite got round to doing today's revision, I'm considering leaving out the gym today in order to revise. But then, I do need to hit the gym :p

I should be hearing soon if I've got a job for the summer which is really important, I need money for clothes and music. I'm going to T in the Park this year and I need money for the ticket and the food whilst I'm there.

Oh well, it'll be fine.